Aspen field data collected on the North Fork of the John Day (NFJD) Ranger District of the Umatilla National Forest, Oregon. Notice the lack of aspen recruitment.
Aspen stand on the NFJD ranger district showing successful aspen regeneration. The coarse woody debris may funtion as a browsing barrier and assist in aspen regeneration.
Buck and Pole fence used to exclude cattle and wild ungulates from aspen on the NFJD Ranger District.
Intense conifer invasion of an aspen stand, NFJD Ranger District. Notice aspen recruitment alongside coarse woody debris.
A 20 year old aspen exclosure in the Gros Ventre valley of the Bridger-Teton National Forest, Wyoming.
Graduate student Jeff Hollenbeck, recording aspen stand characteristics. Fremont National Forest, south central Oregon.
Pith trace showing the life history of a mature aspen. This aspen was browsed when it was a young sprout, resulting in a shape similar to a recently browsed aspen twig. Source: Roy Renkin and Don Despain. Yellowstone National Park
Winter Ridge, Fremont National Forest, Oregon. Photos courtesy of OSU Department of Geosciences