Required Reading
Beschta, R.L. and Ripple, W.J., 2012. The role of large predators in maintaining riparian plant communities and river morphology. Geomorphology, 157, pp.88-98.
Carpenter S. R., Cole, J.J., Kitchell, J.F., and M.L. Pace. 2011. Trophic Cascades in Lakes: Lessons and Prospects Chapter 4 in: John Terborgh and James A. Estes (eds.) Trophic Cascades. Island Press, Washington D.C. pp 55-70.
Estes JA, Terborgh J, Brashares JS, Power ME, Berger J, Bond WJ, Carpenter SR, Essington TE, Holt RD, Jackson JBC, Marquis RJ, Oksanen L, Oksanen T, Paine RT, Pikitch EK, Ripple WJ, Sandin SA, Scheffer M, Schoener TW, Shurin JB, Sinclair ARE, Soule ME, Virtanen R, Wardle DA. Trophic Downgrading of Planet Earth. Science 333, 2011: 301-306 .
Ford, A.T., et al. 2014. Large carnivores make savanna tree communities less thorny. Science 346.
Hebblewhite M., White C.A., Nietvelt C.G., McKenzie J.A., Hurd T.E., Fryxell J.M., Bayley S.E., and Paquet P.C., 2005. Human activity mediates a trophic cascade caused by wolves. Ecology 86: 2135-2144.
Knight, T.M., McCoy, M.W., Chase, J.M., McCoy, K.A., and R.D. Holt. 2005. Trophic cascades across ecosystems. Nature 437:880-883.
Lafferty, Kevin. Writing a scientific paper, step by painful step. University of California, Santa Barbara
le Roux, E., Kerley, G.I.H., and Cromsigt, J.P.G.M. 2018. Megaherbivores Modify Trophic Cascades Triggered by Fear of Predation in an African Savanna Ecosystem. Current Biology 28, 2493–2499.
Lima SL. 1998. Nonlethal effects in the ecology and predator-prey interactions. Bioscience 48: 25-34.
Murray Berger K, Gese EM, and J Berger. 2008.Indirect effects and traditional trophic cascades: A test involving wolves, coyotes, and pronghorn. Ecology 89:818-828.
Myers RA, Baum JK, Shepherd TD, Powers SP, and Peterson CH. 2007. Cascading effects of the loss of apex predatory sharks from a coastal ocean. Science 315: 1846-1850.
Ripple, W.J., Estes, J.A., Schmitz, O.J., Constant, V., Kaylor, M.J., Lenz, A., Motley, J.L., Self, K.E., Taylor, D.S. and Wolf, C., 2016. What is a Trophic Cascade?. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 31(11), pp.842-849.
Ritchie EG, and CN Johnson. 2009. Predator interactions, mesopredator release and biodiversity conservation. Ecology Letters 12:982-998.
Schultz, J.A., Cloutier, R.N., and Cote, I.M. 2016. Evidence for a trophic cascade on rocky reefs following sea star mass mortality in British Columbia. PeerJ 4:e1980; DOI 10.7717/peerj.1980
Suraci, J.P., et al. 2016. Fear of large carnivores causes a trophic cascade. Nature Communications 7: 10698.
Optional Reading
Berger J, Stacey PB, Bellis L, Johnson MP. 2001. A mammalian predator-prey imbalance: grizzly bear and wolf extinction affect avian neotropical migrants. Ecological Applications 11: 967-980.
Beyer HL, Merrill EH, Varley N, and MS Boyce. 2007. Willow on yellowstone's northern range: Evidence for a trophic cascade? Ecological Applications 17:1563-1571.
Cresswell, W. 2008. Nonlethal effects of Predation in Birds. Ibis. 150:3-17.
Crete M. 1999. The distribution of deer biomass in North America supports the hypothesis of exploitation ecosystems. Ecology Letters 2:223-227.
Dalton, D. 2008. Mega-expectations. Chapter 1 in The Natural World of Lewis and Clark. The University of Missouri Press. pp 1-26.
Janzen D. H. 1983. The Pleistocene Hunters had Help. American Naturalist. 121:598-599.
Kay, C.E., 1998. Are ecosystems structured from the top-down or bottom-up: a new look at an old debate. Wildlife Society Bulletin 26, 484-498.
Laliberte, A.S., Ripple, W.J., 2004. Range contractions of North American carnivores and ungulates. Bioscience 54, 123-138.
Letnic M, and F Koch. 2010. Are dingoes a trophic regulator in arid Australia? A comparison of mammal communities on either side of the dingo fence. Austral Ecology 35:167-175.
Letnic, M., E.G. Ritchie and C.R. Dickman. 2012. Top predators as biodiversity regulators: The dingo Canis Lupus dingo as a case study. Biological Reviews 87:390-413.
Peterson, R.O., J.A. Vucetich, R.E. Page, and A. Chouinard. 2003. Temporal and spatial dynamics of predator-prey dynamics. Alces 39:215-232.
Polis, G.A., Sears, L.W., Huxel, D.R., Strong, J.M., 2000. When is a trophic cascade a trophic cascade. Trends in ecology and evolution 15, 473-475.
Preston, D.L., Mischler, J.A., Townsend, A.R. and Johnson, P.T. 2016. Disease ecology meets ecosystem science. Ecosystems, 19(4), pp.737-748.
Ripple, W.J., et al. 2014. Status and Ecological Effects of the World's Largest Carnivores. Science 343. doi: 10.1126/science.1241484.
Ripple, W.J., Rooney, T., and R. L. Beschta. 2010. Large Predators, Deer, and Trophic Cascades in Boreal and Temperate Ecosystems. in: John Terborgh and James A. Estes (eds.) Trophic Cascades. Island Press, Washington D.C.
Ripple, W.J. and B. Van Valkenburgh. Linking Top-down Forces to the Pleistocene Megafaunal Extinctions. BioScience 60(7), 2010: 516-526.
Roemer GW, Gompper ME, and Valkenburgh BV. 2009. The ecological role of the mammalian mesocarnivore. Bioscience 59: 165-173.
Schmitz, Oswald J. 2006. Predators Have Large Effects on Ecosystem Properties by Changing Plant Diversity, Not Plant Biomass. Ecology 87(6): 1432-1437.
Springer, A. M., J. A. Estes, G. B. van Viet, T. M. Williams, D. F. Doak, E. M. Danner, K. A. Forney, and B. Pfister. 2003. Sequential megafaunal collapse in the North Pacific Ocean: An ongoing legacy of industrial Whaling? PNAS: 100: 12223-12228.
Strong, D.R. and K.T. Frank. 2010. Human Involvement in Food Webs. Annual Review of Environment and Resources 35, 1-23.
Terborgh J and Estes JA, in press. Preface in: John Terborgh and James A. Estes (eds.) Trophic Cascades. Island Press, Washington D.C.
Van Valkenburg, B and Hertel, F. 1993. Tough Times at La Brea: Tooth Breakage in Large Carnivores of the Late Pleistocene. Science 261:456-459.
Wallach, A.D, W.J. Ripple and S.P. Carroll. 2015. Novel trophic cascades: apex predators enable coexistence. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 30:146-153.
Wirsing AJ, Cameron KE, and MR Heithaus. 2009. Spatial responses to predators vary with prey escape mode. Animal Behavior 79:531-537.