College of Forestry

Global Trophic Cascades Program


FES 499 - Large Carnivores in Ecology

Spring 2018
1 credit, 1-1:50pm, Mondays, Richardson Hall 243

William J. Ripple

Class Syllabus


FES/FW 550 - Trophic Cascades (2 or 3 credits)

Spring Term 2021
FES/FW 550
2 or 3 credits

William J. Ripple


FES 599 - Aldo Leopold and Ecosystem Management (1)
Literature review and discussion of Aldo Leopold's body of work on ecology, natural resource management, and conservation. Topics to be covered in this seminar include Leopold's developing theories on ungulate irruptions and the role of predation, and how these theories informed A Sand County Almanac and also inform ecosystem management today.

Class Objectives:

  1. To go beyond A Sand County Almanac and learn about the development of Aldo Leopold's seminal theories on ecology, natural resource management, and conservation.
  2. To engage in thoughtful discussion on these theories and how they have influenced ecosystem management.
  3. To interact with leaders in natural resources science, management, and policy whose work has been influenced and inspired by Aldo Leopold.